RMAS Connector

This is the home page for the Research Management and Administration System (RMAS) data integration platform - RMAS Connector. You can download the platform and a number of worked examples from the download page.

There are three downloads available:

  1. The RMASCore download gives you a zip file with Pentaho PDI (Kettle) and a set of RMAS-specific plugins. It will unzip into an RMAS directory. Run Kettle from that directory by opening Spoon.bat (Windows) or running spoon.sh (Linux). Tutorial help is available on the RMAS help page.
  2. The RMASWorkedExamples download gives you a zip file of five worked examples which use RMAS Core. These examples unzip into the RMAS/examplerepository directory, and work immediately on data sources provided with the download. They have been designed for simple repurposing using your own data sources.
  3. The RMASWebServiceExamples download gives you a zip file with Apache web services and an example service. This will allow you to run the web service example in the RMAS worked examples.
Go to the RMAS Connector download page.
Go to the RMAS Connector documentation page.